Is everything.
I truly believe that nothing is coincidental. Nothing.
Everything that happens, even the day to day things. They happen for a reason.
Im constantly being told that the key to "making it" is about being in the right place at the right time. Last week I went to an interview and the process all sounds very promising. The man I interviewed with said that in order to be at the right place at the right time, you have to be in the right place.
Im also pretty sure that everything that has happened to lead me to this point has been for a reason...although right now it isnt abundantly clear exactly what the reason is. Im sure one day it will all become apparent.
All I have to say is that living here and the mental space that Im in right now, has definitely been the happiest I have ever been in my life. Its kind of weird after being so broken down and never imagining coming out of it. I guess time heals everything. And I mean everything.
Over time you gain experience and knowledge so thats also good.
I guess in time one needs to learn the essential virtue of patience. This is something I was having a conversation about today also.
Being a very impatient person myself it is hard to just have faith and give things time to work themselves out.
I know exactly what I want and I want it now. But I have to wait until the universe decides it is the right time for me to have what I want.
Successful career. Loft apartment in the LES with hardwood floors, exposed brick and huge windows, a massive art library and a room for my shoes. True love. Travel. Art everyday. Family all the time. 2 big dogs....A beautiful life so to speak.
It will be well deserved.
BUT for now, I shall continue to have the most fun of my entire life.
Last night I went out with some new friends and ended up in a hipster bar in Williamsburg...too hipster for me so I went outside to sit on some randoms car bonnet, smoke cigarettes and talk to new people.
The last days of summer...
love xx
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